Demoreel di Compositing realizzato con AfterEffetcs, Greenscreen, Chromakey con KeyLight:
Compositing :
This is the awesome work of "Terminator Dario" Project made with 3DSMax, AfterEffects and Syntheyes:
Tricks - Trucchi :
This is the VFX of "HP Spot" reel made with AfterEffects:
VFX - Effetti Speciali :
This is the VFX of "Assisted Suicide" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Blood Splatter" and "Realistic Gun Blow Back" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Earth Zoom" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Demon Face Warp" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Skin Displacement" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "The Healer" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Advanced Car Hit" reel made with AfterEffects:
This is the VFX of "Soul Removal" reel made with AfterEffects:
Affittasi Green Screen di dimensioni contenute per Chroma Key: 4mt x 8mt x3mt; prezzo modico!
Per Info:
Tel. 0171 384142
email: tredici.multimedia(AT)
Specifiche del Green Screen: 4mt larghezza x 8mt profondità x 3mt altezza.
Moquette verde calpestabile sul pavimento e sul muro di fondo.
Luci: x1 BackLight 500 Watt, x4 fari alogeni da 500 Watt per illuminare il fondale, x1 KeyLight da 650 Watt, x1 FillLight da 300 Watt.
Totale: 3 KiloWatt di luce!